Happy Mother’s Day

Title : O Mother ! — A Love without a

O Mother !

The inheriting Creative fountain to Serve,

Ever nurturing thy offsprings in the quest for a brood of love!

Notwithstanding the sorrows and turmoil that follow at thy heels,

As, thou brave the stormy waters with the strength of a woman’s sacrifice through Nature’s wheel!

Ever awake art thou to the juggernaut of a Mother’s tenacity,

The comfort thou bring in tenderness born of filial piety.

For the sake of thy loved one’s joy to yield — peace, progress and prosperity,

Relentlessly toiling with A LOVE WITHOUT A BARGAIN in the bivouac of thy life’s priority!

For, thou art the rope that binds thy brood in the shimmering waters of love and beauty,

Like little pearls strung on a Golden thread of love’s tapestry!

Happy Mother’s Day .

Kanna — My adoration of God through all the Mothers of the world!

Sittam Param

Writer, poet, dramatist and former journalist. I have passion for art in all its forms hence my involvement in this portal.

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