O’ Bumble Bee by Kanna
Title: O’ Bumble Bee! O’ Bumble Bee!
The scorching heat of the double -edged love of your master burns my tender heart,
Does He not sport in Chandravalli’s
camp , I truly ask?
His love for me , My love for Him,
Was this all false or is this a whim ?
He is kind even to Putana and even to His foe,
Yet, how can he against my sweetest Love, to Chandravalli’s Camp go?
O Bumble Bee!
Tell me please,
How do I allay my anger for my purest love, to calm,
For His love is like a poison with the colour Shyam!
He placed His flute and peacock feather at my feet, for my anger to ease,
Yet, keeps the company of Chandravalli, for her love to please!
O’ Bumble Bee!
Srimati Radhika coldly said :
Now, just go away try not your art,
Mere lies of your Master melt not my heart!
Thus, spake the Bumble Bee!
O’ My Srimati Radhika such bitter words of love do not speak,
Against Thy gentle nature so sweet.
Both my Master and You are like my two eyes,
In this battle of Love my heart bears no lies !
Like ghee kindles in fire a brilliant flame,
The very thought of You, Shyamasundar’s Bliss at its pinnacle became!
Now leave this anger and be with a calm mind,
For Thy heart can rest in joy and peace in His Love to find.
Thus, ends Kanna’s little imagination so vivid from the picture to live,
Please forgive me if offences I have made to give
Line drawing by S. Rasa Rasika