Escape From The Herders by R. Sittamparam

We are starting this new serialised novel which tells the tale of a community of seekers who are trying to save Mother Earth and its inhabitants from an elite community of evil billionaires who plan to transform the world’s people into maddened consumers. The novel will come to you through a series of daily episodes.
CHAPTER 1. Episode 1 (part 1)
The white coat sentinels mostly, were themselves unclear on the psychological impact of their fraternity’s role in providing quick fixes to ‘cure’ ailments of the maddening crowd of sick people constantly seeking their help.
But it was enough for them – the honour and adulation earned on their acceptance into this famed position that carried a lifelong honorific attached to their names.
‘Twas glorious, even gaining entrance for pursuing the arduous training to transform an ordinary human being into a full fledged sentinel who was placed on a pedestal as guardian angel or a god by the masses.