Featured Painting Freedom June 11, 2018 Sittam Param 1 Comment Jeganathan ramachandram A sketch depicting a bird breaking free to fly away into the sky. By leading Malaysian artist Jeganathan Ramachandran.
GourGovindSevak SatyaSenanOctober 31, 2018 at 6:45 pmPermalink As I said before, Sittamparam Prabhuji, your artistic talents are admirable. You are blessed by the Presiding Goddess of all such talents, namely, SRIMATI RADHĀ RĀNI. H A R I B O L !! Reply
As I said before, Sittamparam Prabhuji, your artistic talents are admirable. You are blessed by the Presiding Goddess of all such talents, namely, SRIMATI RADHĀ RĀNI.
H A R I B O L !!