Merry Christmas

Title: The Birth of Christ !

The World shall ever behold the birth of Jesus Christ!
Through the eyes of three wise men led by a brilliant star on the East by Night !

For, Christ is born to redeem our sins,
With His arms opening wide the gates of the abode of peace !

The King of Kings swaddling in clothes lying amidst the mowing of cattles in the hay,
While host of heavenly Angels gave praise to the anointed one manifesting God’s loving rays !

Though born in the humblest way the King of Kings on a manger laid,
To pave the Royal way to Salvation into the Kingdom of God for Mankind to aid!

Let us celebrate this day for everlasting love of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit in Jesus’ Name to gain,

For His life of sacrifice is the epiphany of love through eternity – shall go not in vain!

May Christmas come to let go the fruitless life to moan and groan behind us,

For, Christ has come to remind of the hopeful life with the Name of God before us!

And, count the gifts numerous under the dazzling Christmas tree adorned with tinsels of love and care!

Yet, greater still is the immortal gift to the Kingdom of God showered with faith in His Name for us so rare!

Let , Christmas bring unity in diversities through the light of Christ which shines through all times and climes,

Through all the great saints, saviours, prophets and masters of different spiritual expressions in cultures of diverse kind!

For such, is the great Almighty’s inconceivable potency of love for Mankind – Christmas shall bring ,

A world of peace and inner happiness of the Kingdom of God in our hearts –
On Christmas to sing!

Kanna – My most humble Composition to give praise to God’s manifestion on Earth through Jesus Christ!

Painting of Jesus Christ by Jeganathan Ramachandram.

Sittam Param

Writer, poet, dramatist and former journalist. I have passion for art in all its forms hence my involvement in this portal.

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