O My Beauteous Lord Subramaniam by Kanna

O My Lord Subramaniam !
Gracefully in elegance adorning —
The Inner Cave of the hearts of Thy ardent devotees !
Hail to Thee —
The Crest Jewel dazzling bright in the radiance of the heaven’s Princely Majesty !
Thy sweetness as Kumara remains evergreen — Spreading Thy arms wide in the innocence of a child to embrace,
To give liberally of Thy blessings on Vaikhasi Vishakam — regardless of caste, creed or race !
May the Divine terrestial sounds —
”Vel..Vel..Vetrivel…Aro Hara…” thunderously reverberate over the entire earth and heavenly facade !
As , Thy devotees converge in thousands rushing afore in the vibrance of devotion in the quest of Thy grace !
A penance with faith to Thee —
For the recurring trials and tribulations shall today all vanish like dew in the sun rays!
For, thousands shall also usher in a thanksgiving for Thy loving gifts showered to praise !
”Of the Greatest Chief Commander General of the Devas, I am Karthikeya” spake Lord Sri Krishna of His omnipotence to Arjuna !
As Thy Divine ‘ VEL ‘ signifies the chivalry, courage to face battles of life in Thy form as Lord Skanda !
O Mighty Vanquisher of Asuras !
Ever dancing in the darkness of our hearts to cleanse the impurities that impede the Soul’s Victory !
Grant us Lord the Vim and Vigour of body and mind’s stature –
The Wisdom of renunciation that dawns on the Divine Hills of ‘ Palani ‘
O Lord, so alluring and tantalising within the realms of microcosm and macrocosm of this Universe, Thou art !
Lead me, O Lord to discover The Supreme brilliant Jewel of all Jewels — SUBRAMANIAM- in the shrine of the Cave through the quest towards BHAKTI in my heart !
Kanna — My most humble composition of love offering on Thaipusam