The Master Dancer Shankar Kandasamy # video

A life dedicated to classical dance in particular the wholesome art of Bharathanatyam places the practitioner right in the bosom of Divinity or shall we say the Cosmic Being.

Just as scientists probe the universe to uncover the secret of creation, Bharathanatyam exponents in their performances sieve through poetic narratives, musical nuances, expressions of gesture, movement and emotions to feel the pulse of Divinity.

Being in sync with Divinity during a dance is justifiably the ultimate reward for a dedicated artiste say performers such as senior dancer and guru Shankar Kandasamy of Temple of Fine Arts Kuala Lumpur.

The master dancer during a chance meeting at the Annalakshmi Riverside eatery recently, pointed out that constant practice and dedication are essential in making a good dancer.

And that a dedicated dancer who pursues the artform as devotional service is assured of all blessings, care and protection from the Divine.

Shankar is a full time dancer and travels all over the world to perform and lend his expertise in training dancers. This master dancer is particularly sought after by students who wish to prepare for their Arangetram (debut stage performance).

I have personally attended many such Arangetrams of students trained by Shankar and the polish and finesse of the dancers and superb choreography makes such shows a not to be missed event.

The best way to understand the workings of Shankar’s artistic soul is to relish his ecstatic dance. Here is one mesmerising performance that Shankar himself regards one of his favourite Varnams on Lord Ganesha.

R. Sittamparam

Photograph and video courtesy of Shankar Kandasamy.

Sittam Param

Writer, poet, dramatist and former journalist. I have passion for art in all its forms hence my involvement in this portal.

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