Honey Moon

Salutations Dear Lord Chandra

Lying beneath Thy cosmic gaze O Lord,

Viewed through dense cotton puff clouds


This poet now baring his full self to Thee

Cast aside from all his bonds and demands

Set afloat on an ocean vast, drifting aimless.


O muse of maddened lovers – reckless, carefree,

who cling together in lusty fervour for the other,

oblivious to the desperate state of the living body


Steered by a minute spark and led astray by fate.

Just as Thy golden rays excite the grunting bulls

Heighten the singing of crickets and bullfrogs


Goading trapped souls on, in their endless charade

By the gentle tugging of their vital body fluids.

All glories, all glories, all glories dear Lord Chandra bright.


By Sittamparam Ramachandran, 9 Sept 2014

Sittam Param

Writer, poet, dramatist and former journalist. I have passion for art in all its forms hence my involvement in this portal.

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