Happy International Dance Day (April 29)

It is said that in the spiritual realm every movement is dance and every sound is music.

We should therefore revere and celebrate dance and music as our direct link  to the spiritual world.

Young Bharatanatyam exponent Kamini Manikam shares her joy in dance with us here in conjunction with International Dance Day (April 29):

Today is INTERNATIONAL DANCE DAY! So here goes my dance story…

As an artiste who has been practising Bharathanatyam all my life, I have had varied experiences…from spiritual ecstatic moments to bittersweet incidents. I have danced in the state of Ananda (bliss); Oneness with the Supreme. Not realising what and how I danced, I’ve thanked God in tears for that miraculous moment. And I too have danced in terrible pain. My body was injured but no matter what happens the show has to go on as scheduled. So I have masked my pain with jubilant Abhinaya (expression) and pushed myself throughout the dance routine with my willpower, whereafter running backstage and crying in agony.

So why do I still choose to dance?

Fame, glam, awards and titles are part of the artistic or entertainment world. It does make one’s profile look richer and creates a wow-effect for the audience. But I’ve realised a truth that I came here with nothing and I leave without anything. Everything is temporal and so does these glorifications. Well, it feels honoured to be appreciated but I care more for the moments-through-movements. Some of my best memorable moments….during Lipstick production, a number among the audience couldn’t express any words when they met me in the foyer but only hugged me in tears, and I was wished with “God bless you” more than “Congratulations”. In another program in India, a man with a broken leg seated with his crutches was screaming “I feel healed watching you dance” even before I got down from the stage and held his Cross Pendant in his hands and said, “Jesus bless you”. And at the same event, a Muslim woman in Burka ran towards me to hand her baby into my hands and asked me to bless her child.

These are just a few of the many priceless moments that keep me dancing. Only dance can cross borders and connect people with the language of the heart. The dancer is an instrument of God to spread love and joy; I’m grateful to be destined as one. Blessed are those who learn this divine DANCE; even blessed are those who witness this divine DANCE!

I’m never great; Only God that you and I address in different names is great!

With abunDANCE of LOVE,
Kamini Manikam

Photo from Kamini Manikam’s Facebook.

Sittam Param

Writer, poet, dramatist and former journalist. I have passion for art in all its forms hence my involvement in this portal.

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