Happy New Year 2020
Title: The Greatest Picture Maker on the Canvas of 2020
Another bright shiny New Year will arrive!
Like a Vast blank Canvas of the infinite!
Empty, Neat and in Pristine White !
Awaiting another tryst with my picture of life!
With an array of colours on my pallet and paintbrush!
May the Sweet Lord unfold a picture with His wisdom in me to get it right!
To start, I shall by reflections on the Canvas past in the gallery of memories;
The Sunshine and Rainy Skies that enriched the Art-of-Living to cherish!
The streaks of myriad colours so bold and varied,
Or the botches on the Canvas of life deemed ugly;
Shall now blossom with maturity on another fragile Canvas with greater clarity!
A picture to paint my own destiny with a freewill endowed by Divinity!
And, Thus to breathe life again into another great life’s masterpiece!
A calligraphy in the brilliance of my soul’s expression for a New Year on the Canvas to seek ;
With the colours of Love and forgiveness,
With the charity of a heart to give more than to receive,
With the strength that comes from the little joys, hope and inner peace.
Last but not least:
In the total sublimation to the Sweet Will of the Lord —
The Greatest Picture Maker on the Canvas of each New Year for my journey towards bliss !
Jai Sri Krishna.
Poem by Kanna
Drawing by S. Rasa Rasika