Activate True Role Of Vivekananda Ashram

The Vivekananda Ashram in Brickfields, Kuala Lumpur, once a venue for intellectual and religious discourse now stands still in time like the bronze statue of Vivekananda that stands in front.

A few years ago it was almost lost due to the greed of its board of trustees.

Luckily for us, the then Tourism Minister Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Aziz stepped in to gazette the property as a heritage site following mass public criticism over plans by the trustees to redevelop the property to set up a residental tower.

Maybe it is time for the board of trustees to open up the board to include serious guardians of Hindu art and culture.

Maybe then the true signifance of Swami Vivekananda’s life philosphy for the glorificaton of the Sanatana Dharmic way of life will be realised.

And the ashram can once again become a centre for the growth of Indian philosophy, religion, arts and culture in Kuala Lumpur.

Sittam Param

Writer, poet, dramatist and former journalist. I have passion for art in all its forms hence my involvement in this portal.

One thought on “Activate True Role Of Vivekananda Ashram

  • July 23, 2020 at 8:22 am

    This place since my childhood has always been and will remain truly the monument of light and wisdom for me and all admirers and practioners on path of Sanatan Dharma.
    It was here as a little boy listening to great speakers of the wisdom of Mother India, the whole panoramic view of the great ancient science and masters of India came to be so alive and relevant to the moden age in my innward view ! Hence, certainly it should be preserved to continue as a beckon of light for all Malaysian Hindus.


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