Escape From The Herders by R. Sittamparam

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Chap. 1. Episode 1 ( part 1)
Kali regarded his failure to become a white coat sentinel in his youth as a blessing in disguise. In fact he was thankful for his repeated failure in pre-university exams that he had asininely pursued over five years in his bid to study medicine; for the experience gave him an opportunity to mould himself into a modern day seeker.
The role of seeker comes with the dual mission to unravel the absolute truth through astute observation, voracious reading and exploration to dispel the hypocrisy of industry driven higher education and modernisation.
The seeker’s tool is art, the medium of creative expression that the sentinels were hell bent on suppressing using gadgets and online applications (Apps., in tech sentinel jargon) like the smartphone, Artificial Intelligence (AI), the social media and corporate sales & service Apps and of course the Worldwide Web (www) or Internet.